Conditions of sale

How to become a happy buyer of agricultural equipment at Kowala Agrotechnika ? Nothing easier.

Guide in 3 steps

Select the machine you are interested in and check its availability. Ask for a proforma invoice. At this stage you can obtain a 24-hour booking.

Make a deposit payment for the chosen machine in the agreed amount, based on a proforma invoice. Agree with the seller on the date of payment of the full price and the terms of delivery/collection of the machine. At this stage, you obtain the reservation of the machine until the agreed price payment date.

Make a payment of the agreed price by the agreed date and, depending on the arrangements, make a collection or expect delivery!


At the initial stage of purchase, Kowala Agrotechnika invites you to personally inspect the condition and equipment of the machine, especially a used one, and suggests that you make a well-considered and binding purchase decision.

Kowala Agrotechnika Sp. z o.o.
ul. Wrocławska 85,
62-060 Stęszew
tel: +48 61 8195 660
Pon - Pt: 08:00 - 17:00
Sobota: 08:00 - 14:00
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